Mission Possible

Sparking imaginations
at the intersection of the arts, justice, and mission of God.

What is Mission Possible?

We are a response. A way of being. A movement. Also, a 501c3 non-profit.

Suppose for a moment that God created a good creation and that we have been given all that we need. Suppose it isn’t a lack of resources but a lack of imagination that prevents from being on mission with God in everyday life.


Mission Possible’s mission is to spark imaginations to be on mission with God in everyday life.

Mission Possible: A film by Katy Andres

This film was made at Mission Possible 2013: Newport News

Mission Possible:
Art + Justice + Mission
Old Dominion University (ONLINE)

Art + Justice + Mission Event is scheduled for March 6, 2021. Learn more about past events while we locate artist and justice collaborators for A+J+M 2021.

Mission Possible

Founded in 2011 by Josh Hayden and Tom Lynch.

P.O. Box 1514
Ashland, Virginia 23005